- 09/06/2021
- Posted by: admin
- Category: News

June 9, 2021, Zagreb – Today, we held a workshop for the representatives of Zagreb Holding on the new obligations of companies related to the preparation of corporate sustainability reports (non-financial reports).
The new obligations come from the EU Taxonomy Regulation, the Delegated Act on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation and the Delegated Act on Article 8 of the Taxonomy Regulation and will enter into force on 1 January 2022.
Participants received comprehensive information on what brings the EU taxonomy, a new qualification system for sustainable economic activities established with the aim of redirecting investment in activities and projects that contribute to the realization of the Green Deal. They also learned how the assessment of the acceptability and compliance of the Zagreb Holding Group’s economic activities with the EU taxonomy related to climate change mitigation and adaptation is being carried out. Particular emphasis was placed on the new obligation of companies to publish information under the Delegated Act on Article 8 of the Taxonomy Regulation on the extent to which their activities contribute to the six environmental objectives using three key performance indicators: turnover, CapEx and OpEx.
The workshop was led by Andreja Pavlović and Katarina Miler from Oikon in Zagreb and Polona Čufer Klep from Oikon SI in Ljubljana.